December 9, 2008

Gold Time: Crossroads 6

5 cakes and 5 packaged meat, in 4:25.

Sell off the cow.

Buy 2 chickens and 2 pigs. Send the plane off for 5 sugars.

Send bears off to market for a little extra income.

Start processing eggs and hams as your animals make them. You should get 5 cakes in about 2:30.

Send the plane off for 5 meat trays. Once you have $4000, buy the Meat Packing Plant and start processing packaged meat -- easy as that.


  1. I couldn't do it this way so after much struggle this is how I did it and I did it in 4:16, and I know it can be done quicker but I forgot to get my sugar earlier on. But I still made gold. What you do is: get 1 milk from cow, sell that milk and cow. With that money you sell the 1 caged bear and while it's on it's way to town you cage up the other one (leave this one wandering since there are no animals), then I bought the meat plant first packing trays and 2 pigs. I made my trays in plenty of time and then sold my pigs (selling the trays as made), at this point buy your sugar and 2 chickens. Then I bought the cake maker upgrading it all the way and started processing all the eggs they were laying and making all the cakes at one time. In order to do this I had to make sure all the extra buns were sold

    1. How did you not get it the way they described it? I got it in 3:44 on the first try, stress-free. Nothing complicated about this one...

    2. Thank you for this - I could not get it the way described after MANY TRIES. I got it this way on the first try, stress free :-)

    3. Stephie G., I tried it your way and got it in 3:47 on the first try :-) Great advice! Definitely no stress!

    4. I couldn’t get it the first way but the way in the comments was eash.. first try
