December 14, 2008

Gold Time: Spice Street 3

2:50 to get 1 sugar, 1 tray, and $6000.

Upgrade the warehouse to Level 2, and buy 1 sugar and 1 tray. Other than that, DON'T BUY ANYTHING!

Just sell off 2 bears per truck trip, and you'll earn $6000 with plenty of time to spare.


  1. Immediately buy 3 pigs.
    Upgrade warehouse and truck twice.
    Send plane for 1 tray and 1 sugar.
    Process hams into steaks (3 at a time).
    Cage all bears and sell them together with the steaks.
    When you have about $4000 sell the pigs together with steaks/hams.

    Fastest time: 1:50

  2. I did it this way:

    Buy just ONE pig. Process ham into steaks and catch one bear. Don't upgrade anything.

    Always send 1 bear and 1 or 2 teaks per ride. In the end when you are at 5000+ coins, sell even the pig for 500 coins.
