January 16, 2009

Gold Time: Hat Street 3

5 ostriches in 4:30. Whew!

Sell 2 cows immediately, to buy water to feed the rest.

Upgrade the warehouse all the way. Upgrade the truck all the way.

Sell bears and milk as quickly as possible until you have $40,000. Then, sell your remaining 8 cows. Don't buy any factories.

Buy an ostrich -- should be before 2:00. Send the plane for 4 hats and 4 fabric. You should have approximately $10,000 left over.

Start making feathers into fans, then feathered hats, then dresses. Sell your first dress; that plus $10,000 buys you another ostrich.

Once you have 4 feathers turning into dresses, start selling the feathers instead of making fans. Keep buying an ostrich each time you have $70,000 or more. My best time is 4:27, I'm still working on that 4:12...


  1. I got 4:07 by processing a couple more feathers into fans to afford another ostrich sooner.

  2. The first time I tried this I didn't make it in time. Then the second time I tried, I moved as fast as I possibly could by following the above directions. My best time was 3:56. I couldn't have done it without this blog!

  3. i got twice on this for 4:03.its simple..
    -immdtly sell 2 cows.
    -while waiting,bears will appear.cage them.
    -when the truck reaches,immdtly buy cat,water.
    -and immdtly upgrade warehouse and truck(fully)
    -and put the bears into the warehouse.
    -now,your inventory will have 8 milk & 2 bears.
    (because the help of the cat collecting those milk).
    -do the same after the second wave of bears.
    -after,collecting $35,000++..
    -sell all cows.
    -and now you can buy an ostrich.
    -immdt buy 4 hat.
    -change feather to fan.
    -buy 4 fabric.and make them.
    (you must do it as fast as you can)
    -continue buy ostrich,and make 2 more fabric.
    -after you have 2 fabric,1 feather hat,and 2 feathers.sell them all..
    -you'll find out that you can buy 3 more ostrich.

    good luck and try your best...

    1. THANK YOU!! I got 4:01 :) SWEEET!!

    2. Works, but the terminology in the 2nd part listed is confusing.
      To clarify, after the first ostrich, you need:
      4 dresses (not 'fabric') = $240k
      1 feathered hat = $30k
      2 feathers = $14k

      Total = $284k
      Buy last 4 ostriches = $280k

  4. Yes this one ^^^^ works, My time was 3:37!

  5. 4:19 Thank you!
    It would have been 8-9 seconds sooner but I did not get the fabric soon enough. I would get 2 hats and 2 fabrics then go back for the 2 more :)

    Will try the other one above as well, but am happy to get gold more easily! I got it on my own once last year and forgot how LOL

  6. Idk how I did it but I just got a time of 3:55

  7. My best time is 2:46 cannot remember how tho
