January 6, 2009

Gold Time: Cheese Street 2

You have 9 minutes to make 20 cheese.

You start off with $250 and 10 pigs. Process meat until you make enough money to buy cows (your first should be around 2:30), then start processing milk.

After your first cow, save $15,000 and buy the Cheese Factory; start making cheese.

Then, save up enough for additional cows, alternating between buying a cow and buying a Cheese Factory upgrade.

Upgrade your warehouse as much as possible early -- all this produce takes up space!

I can finish in 6:49, how about you?


  1. you should add cheese street 3 i need help

  2. and cheese street 4

  3. and cheese street 5

  4. and cheese street 6

  5. Hi wien I play I can't buy a cheese factory only the srparetor and butterfly don't understand why? Cant you Help?
