November 27, 2008

Gold Time: Product Street 1

Starting with $5000 cash, you need to get to $5200 in 1:30.
  1. Buy 1 chicken. You are down to $4900.
  2. Send plane off to buy 1 sugar. You are down to $4890.
  3. Whenever the chicken lays an egg, start processing it through the factories.
  4. After the chicken has laid 2 eggs, send it to market for $50. You are up to $4940.
  5. By the time the truck returns, you should have 1 bun and 1 cake. Send them both to market for $280, bringing your total to $5220.
If everything goes smoothly, you should manage this in 1:26 -- a Best Time.


  1. Here's what worked for me:

    1) Buy 2 chickens and 2 bags of sugar right away.
    2) When you have two eggs sell both chickens and immediately begin processing both eggs at the same time.
    3) Send 2 cakes to the market.

    I did it in 1:21.

  2. After many attempts using LisaE's method I finally did it in 1:27. Thanks for the tips.

  3. I managed to finish the level in 1:10

    1. Buy 2 chickens and 2 sugar
    2. Start processing as soon as you have 2 eggs (don't sell the chickens yet!)
    3. When the cakes are ready, immediately send the chickens and the cakes to the market

  4. Thanks LisaE By clicking on the processing plants many times, it speeds up... I did this in 1:18

  5. i did it 1:15 use anonymous mehtod, send the chickens and the cakes to the market at the same time

  6. Hi,
    Using Anonymous' method you can get 1:10 easy enough.
    The trick IS to click on buildings as quickly as you can while they are baking.

    Also buy the chickens before anything even lands...the second the screen pops up. You will have them in one second.

    Just remember for future reference...when clicking on buildings to speed them up, watch the little gauge bar for the red line (next to the green progress line). If the red line gets to the top the building will explode! LOL

    I did it on purpose to see what it was like...kinda cool LOL

  7. tq so much method 2 we finished in 1:16

  8. I did it in 1:16, buy 3 chickens and 3 sugars, and then when the chickens lay 3 eggs process them and spam on the machines. sell the pancakes and you're done.
