January 28, 2009

Gold Time: Costume Street 7

Another multi-product level -- 10 dresses, 10 cheese, 10 packaged meat, and 10 cake in 7:40. (This is very much like Costume Street 6, but with eggs as well.)

Start processing ham, milk, or feathers as soon as you get them. Just hold onto the eggs.

When you have gotten 10 eggs, sell the chicken; 10 ham, sell the pig; 10 milk, sell the cow; 10 feathers, sell the ostrich. Using that money, build the final factories (Cheese Factory, Meat Packing Plant, and Atelier) as well as all egg-related factories.

Make those final products, and you'll finish. Upgrade the factories whenever possible, which is affordable thanks to the many $60,000 dresses you're making.

1 comment:

  1. The dress produced out from the Atelier shop is known as the "Feathered Carnival Suit".
