January 12, 2009

Gold Time: Fan Street 2

2 feathered hats in 2:50. A feathered hat needs a fan and a hat, and is assembled in the Hat Studio.

Start by upgrading the truck once, and your warehouse twice.

Start processing milk. Once all pigs drop a ham, sell the hams and pigs. Get some vinegar (and 2 hats) to make cheese.

When you reach $70,000, buy an ostrich. Sell cheese until you've bought the ostrich, then sell off your cows and a few more cheese to build the Hat Studio.

Turn feathers into fans, then hats, and you'll finish just in time.


  1. Upgrade car once. Sell all pigs. Produce 4 butter and sell all cows. You should have enough to buy ostrich. start making fans. When ostrich gives 2nd feather sell ostrich and buy hat making plant. Keep clicking plants to make them go faster.

    1. Very nice - 2nd method worked a charm. 2:35. Thanks!!

    2. immediately upgrade car and warehouse once. Sell all pigs. Store 2 milk and sell them with the cows. Buy an ostrich. Cage bears and sell them. Send your plane for two hats. When the ostrich gives a feather, start the fan factory. When the ostrich gives second feather, sell the ostrich and start fan-factory again. When truck returns buy the feathered hat plant and keep clicking it. If you have enough money upgrade truck to max and sell the first feathered hat... that will bring you to level 2 of the hat-factory. Keep clicking it until second hat is ready.
      My best time: 2 minutes.

    3. 3rd method worked for me - 2:10 - and I am a slow 60 yr old grandma.
