January 27, 2009

Gold Time: Costume Street 6

In 5:45, collect 10 dresses, 5 cheese, and 5 packaged meat.

Start by buying 1 ostrich, 2 cows, and 2 pigs.

You can't make the final product in each line without destroying your first step factory (for example, the Cheese Factory will demolish the Separator). So you can't build the final factories until you have at least 5 steaks, 5 sour cream, and 10 fans.

Sell a few extra bears, hams, or milk, and you will get $4,000 to build the Meat Packing Plant. Start making packaged meat.

Selling the packaged meat, extra butter, and 2 pigs, you will get $15,000 to build the Cheese Factory.

Selling cheese and your 2 cows, you will get $30,000 to build the Atelier. This ends up being just about the same time your ostrich finishes dropping 10 feathers, around 3:30.

After building the Atelier, start making dresses. Sell the ostrich and upgrade the Atelier once. After selling your first dress, upgrade again. Continue upgrading every time you can afford it.

Quick upgrading lets me finish in 4:42.


  1. I am having a hard time dealing with the bears. They are completely annoying.

    1. Agree. Even with max cage (3 clicks per bear), they drop RIGHT ON the stupid ostriches ... :-/

  2. Got it in 4:50, finally :-)

  3. The trick is that you should try to get 2 ostriches as quickly as possible. So as soon as you have 2 feathered hats, sell them and buy an extra ostrich.

    This should work:
    buy 1 ostrich, 1 cow and 1 pig (and a cat)
    upgrade warehouse and truck completely, upgrade well once if you like.
    upgrade plane twice and sent it for 5 hats, 5 trays and 5 vinegar

    when plane returns, sent it for another 7 hats and 10 cloth

    when you have 2 hats, sell them together with the caged bears.
    Then buy your second ostrich.

    As soon as you have 5 ham (steak) and 5 milk (cream), sell cows and pigs
    When ostriches drop 10th feather, sell ostriches.
    When truck returns buy atelier (there should be enough money to upgrade it at least once)
    Sell dresses, packaged meat and cheese and buy all the necessary upgrades for all the factories.

    My best time: 3:52
