January 23, 2009

Gold Time: Costume Street 2

Collect 1 packaged meat, 1 cheese, and 30 fans in 3:30.

Start by selling off 2 feathers, and use the money to buy 1 cow and 1 pig. When you have 1 ham and 1 milk, sell the cow and pig back to market. Process them until you get 1 packaged meat and 1 cheese.

Once you've made 1 cheese, sell the cheese and 2 feathers to earn enough to build the Fan Factory. Then, dedicate your income from fans to upgrading the Fan Factory as much as possible. Sell a couple ostriches off after you gather 10 or so feathers, and use the money to upgrade.

You will need to have a Level 5 Fan Factory very soon in order to finish in time. My record: 3:08.


  1. The costume street challenges are the final streets of completing the game. This makes them the most difficult levels to accomplish but thanks for making this walkthrough that I manage to accomplish them with less effort on my part.

  2. If you start from making fans first and leave cheese for last you get it in 3:05

  3. I immediately sold one Ostrich to get the money to buy the fan factory. With the leftover change I bought a pig, tray and vinegar and upgraded the warehouse and truck. Work on the fans first to get cash flowing, process the ham (sell pig after one ham), buy a cow and start the first two stages of that (sell cow after one milk). By selling fans and having a fully upgraded truck, you should be able to quicky get the factory to level 5. When you hit 30, buy the cheese factory and fully upgrade. I got it all in 3:02.
